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“Island Sustainability Symposium” held at Sophia University

“Island Sustainability Symposium” held at Sophia University

Sophia University Global Environmental Studies Research center held a symposium along with Sophia University, APIC, Javeriana University of Colombia, and the support of Sophia University Graduate School Global Environmental Studies on December 12th, 2018. The symposium was titled “Island Sustainability Symposium” and was held at the Sophia University campus.

The symposium revolved around two main issues: ‘disaster sustainability and risk management’, and ‘use and protection of biological diversity, management of terrestrial-based ecosystems’. Sophia University Vice President for student affairs Mr. Juro Otsuka, APIC Executive Director Shoji Sato, Javeriana University Vice-President Dr. Luis Miguel Renjifo, Sophia University Global Environmental Studies professor and SISU (Sophia University Island Sustainability Unit) founder Anne McDonald gave their respective opening remarks at the symposium.

The symposium was comprised of four different panels; Sophia University Global Environmental Studies professor Guangwei Huang was the moderator for the first panel with Professor Masachika Suzuki also of Sophia University, Professor Lilia Roa Fuentes of Javeriana University, and former member of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Mr. Masahito Enomoto as panelists. The topics discussed included points from the Sakura Science Project taking place in Kabukuri-numa and surrounding wetlands in Osaki City, Miyagi, and also discussed the 4 R’s (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle).

Sophia University Graduate School Global Environmental Studies Research Faculty Professor Akemi Ori moderated the second panel, with Javeriana University Professor Juan Ricard Gomez, specialist at JICA, Dr. Noriaki Sakaguchi, and Mr. Naohisa Okuda from the Ministry of the Environment as panelists. The main topics discussed were observations about Oshima Island (Tokyo) and about using and protecting its biological cultural diversity.

The third panel was moderated by Sophia University Professor Anne McDonald, with Javeriana University Professor Pablo Ramos Baron, ama diver Chiharu Hayase, Tokyo University researcher Jackie Steele as panelists. The theme of the discussion was diversity of biological culture and gender as a necessary component of continuous resource management.

The fourth panel was headed by Sophia and Javeriana Universities’ graduate students, who discussed the sustainability of the island, engaging in an active Q&A session with the audience.

Lastly, Javeriana University Dean Maria Adelaida Farah Quijano and Sophia University Professor Guangwei Huang gave the final remarks, ending the symposium.


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