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Construction of Visitor’s Center at Nan Madol Ruins in FSM

Construction of Visitor’s Center at Nan Madol Ruins in FSM

In order to preserve its culture and promote tourism at the World Heritage site of the Nan Madol Ruins (Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia), the Nan Madol Visitor’s Center was built using funds from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cultural Grant Assistance program. APIC provided support for the inscription plaque and information board at the center’s entrance with the cooperation of the Japanese Embassy in FSM as part of its assistance in heritage protection.

The Nan Madol Ruins are comprised of approximately 100 man-made islands, and is the largest of its scale in the Pacific region. It was designated as a World Heritage site in July 2016, while simultaneously listed as a “World Heritage in Danger”. The primary reason for this title was a poor preservation system coupled with a lack of a proper management and operations system. The construction of the Visitor’s Center aims not only to protect the Ruins, but also manage the number of visitors, train special guides to give tours of the site, and promote understanding of the ruins in locals and visitors to the site alike.

The Center is currently preparing for opening to the public, however there is no set date for general opening as of the time of publication of this article.

Construction of Visitor’s Center at Nan Madol Ruins in FSM
(The inscription plaque installed at the entrance of the Visitor’s Center)

Construction of Visitor’s Center at Nan Madol Ruins in FSM
(The information board at the entrance)


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