Jamaica Minister of Farming and Fisheries Invitation Program

(At the Jamaican Ambassador’s residence)
On the first day of the program, Ambassador Richards attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony to kickstart the program, and Minister Charles attended the opening ceremony of the Jamaican coffee booth. Afterward, he held talks with UCC President Ueshima, and the Agriculture and Fisheries Minister of the world-famous “Blue Mountain Coffee” exporting nation partook in a conference with the All Japan Coffee Association.

(At the opening ceremony)

(At Jamaica’s coffee booth at Tokyo Big Sight)

(Parliamentary Vice-Minister Akimoto (right))

(Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Vice-Minister Mr. Katsumata (second from left))
On the 14th, the group paid a visit to the Katsuyama Fisheries Cooperative in Kyonan-machi, Chiba prefecture. Katsuyama Fishing Port is the only fishing port in Chiba prefecture that operates an at-sea aquaculture net pens. The group rode a fishing boat out to the net pens and took a detailed look at the hauling of tilefish and striped horse mackerel. After disembarking, the group had a chance to talk with Representative Union President Hirashima; Mr. Hirashima gave an overview about the fisheries cooperative, and immediately after questions from the Jamaican side came one right after another regarding all aspects of aqua farming, including the size of the tank, involvement of union members, and management of the fisheries cooperative. The Q&A session lasted over an hour, showing how serious Jamaica is about expanding their fishery industry.

(Visiting the Katsuyama Fishery Cooperative)
At the end of the day, APIC President Shigeie hosted a welcome dinner for the visiting Minister and officials. Among the attendees were Ambassador Richards; Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General Ms. Kobayashi; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ International Coordinator Mr. Kawakami; and previous Japanese Ambassadors to Jamaica Mr. Takase, Mr. Nakano, and Mr. Yamazaki, creating a lively atmosphere.

(At the Welcome Dinner)
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