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7th Term Xavier Exchange Students Enter Sophia University

7th Term Xavier Exchange Students Enter Sophia University
(Ms. Johnson (left) and Mr. Remeliik (right))

On September 22nd, 2020, Ms. Ampelina Maikal Johnson and Mr. Kato Remeliik started their undergraduate journey at Sophia University as 7th term Xavier Exchange Students.

Ms. Johnson entered the Faculty of Human Sciences, and aims to get her degree in the newly-established all-English “Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures”. Mr. Remeliik matriculated in the Faculty of Liberal Arts; both students plan to spend the next four years at Sophia University to attain their respective degrees.

The Xavier Exchange Student Support program was started in April 2014 with the agreement of Xavier High School located in the state of Chuuk, FSM, Sophia University, and APIC. The program selects eligible students from Xavier High School to attend the undergraduate program at Sophia University in Tokyo, and thus far nine students have benefited from the scholarship fund and matriculated at Sophia, and three students have already completed their undergraduate degree and graduated.

Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sophia University has gone completely online with its classes for the spring and fall semesters of 2020. Exchange students are no exception, as they are taking online classes from either their home country or from the Sophia dorms in Japan.


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