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Xavier International Students Scholarship

Xavier International Students Scholarship

In cooperation with Sophia University, the Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) established the “Xavier High School International Students Scholarship” in April 2014.

Under the agreement between Xavier High School (located in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia), Sophia University, and APIC, a cooperation agreement between the three institutions has been signed which Sophia University will continually accept one international student from Xavier High School each year, designating the high school as its overseas affiliated school.

This scholarship system was put in place in order to support the development of education of talent in the Micronesian region (Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), and Republic of the Marshall Islands). The first student from Xavier High School entered Sophia University under this program in the fall semester of 2014.

The cooperation agreement was partially revised in May 2017, which allowed the increase in number of students to enter each year from only one to two. In total, nine students have entered Sophia University under this program, and three have graduated as of March, 2021.

 In order to accept international students on a long-term basis, APIC provides related expenses including travel costs, enrollment fees, tuition fees and living expenses. APIC is committed to helping students from Micronesia reach their goals, and is only able to provide these expenses with the help of its donors. We appreciate any donation amount, at any time. First-time donors are more than welcome, as are repeaters. Please consider funding a meaningful cause.

Donation Request for Xavier International Students Scholarship

Scholarship Recipients: Graduates of Xavier High School (1 or 2 students a year)

Study at: Sophia University Faculty of Liberal Arts / Faculty of Science and Technology / Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures*
*New English-based program launched in Sep. 2020

Purpose of Scholarship: Scholarship for 4 years until graduation

Purpose of Donation: For Xavier High School International Students Scholarship

Branch Name: HEAD OFFICE (001)
Beneficiary Account Number: 1660339
Beneficiary name: Association of Promotion for International Cooperation
(Ippan Zaidan Houjin Kokusai Kyouryoku Suishin Kyoukai - Shougakukin Bokin Guchi)

 About Xavier High School  Xavier High School was established on the island of Weno in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, by the Society of Jesus in 1952. Xavier High School is a four-year co-educational high school which has approximately 150 students.

Xavier High School is the most prestigious high school in the northwest region of the Pacific Ocean, where students come not only from the Federated States of Micronesia, but also from countries such as the Republic of Palau and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The school has a high academic tandard, and in recent years, many students have been awarded the Gates Millennium Scholarship, one of the most competitive scholarships in the United States.

Many leaders in the field of politics and economy of FSM, Palau, and Marshall Islands graduated from Xavier. Emanuel Manny Mori and Peter Christian, the former Presidents of the Federated States of Micronesia, are also alumni of Xavier High School.

Strong Bonds with Japan

Micronesian president of Japanese ancestry

The Chuuk archipelago, where Xavier High School is located, has a strong connection with Japan. Since the Meiji period, many Japanese have settled in the islands, and their descendants are now playing important roles in society. President Mori, who is from Chuuk, is a descendant of Mori Koben, who emigrated from Kochi prefecture during the Meiji period. He was said to be a model of a famous adventure comic “Boken Dankichi (Dankichi, an Adventurous Boy)”.

Former "South Sea Islands"

Japan governed the Micronesian region for 31 years (1914-1945) as a mandated territory of the League of Nations. This shared historical background has fostered a close relationship between Japan and the region. Even after the region declared independence as three separate countries (Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands), strong bonds have remained between them and Japan in various aspects such as politics, economy and culture.

School building built by a Japanese company

The building which houses Xavier High School was originally a telecommunication facility of the former Japanese Navy, built in 1938 by the "Mabuchi Construction Corporation", Japanese construction company from Yokohama, which was formally called Mabuchi-gumi. The school building was wholly repaired by the company without compensation in 2008.

Greetings from the President of APIC

It has been seven years since the “Xavier High School Exchange Student Scholarship Program” was founded in April, 2014. Thanks to our supporters and their generous donations towards the program, three students have successfully graduated from Sophia University. I would like to take this opportunity to one more time offer my deepest gratitude toward our numerous benefactors.

The Micronesia region has deep historical ties with Japan (please see above “About Xavier High School”). APIC believes that fostering talent from the Pacific Island nations is of vital importance to the development of the region, which is the backbone of APIC’s commitment to permanently provide the opportunity to seek and receive higher education in Japan. It is encouraging to know that we have received the support of Xavier High School students’ parents and guardians, accompanying board members, the Jesuits who founded and operate the school, as well as important figures throughout the Federal Republic of Micronesia.

Regarding the students, they have defeated the numerous challenges associated with adjusting to an unfamiliar environment, and graduated with top grades before moving on to their next adventure. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has prevented the new graduates from returning to their respective countries, and border control measures are also stopping newly admitted students from entering Japan. APIC continues to help these students conquer the troubles associated with departing and entering Japan, and to maintain their motivation to study in Japan.

To close this update, allow me to make another appeal for donations towards APIC’s “Xavier High School Exchange Student Program” to support the students’ present and future endeavors. Your donation will shape the future of the Micronesia region .

Finally, we pray for the pandemic to end as soon as possible, and sincerely wish for your health and great happiness.

APIC President Toshinori Shigeie

September 24th, 2021


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